1 - You’re not limited geographically. As long as your friends and family are somewhere in NZ they can order and your good cause will receive the funds. And you can use the power of social media to spread your cause even further. As long as aunty’s friend’s neighbour’s mum uses your code, her order will count towards your total.

2 - You don’t have to worry about social distancing, mask-wearing and hand-washing (other than normal good hygiene of course!) or that an event might have to be postponed due to a change in alert levels. It’s all online and our couriers use contactless delivery.

3 - There is a lot less to organise. No hall to book, no forms to fill in, no licences to apply for, no quiz master to find, no volunteers needed to commit to the dreaded early morning set up or end of day bbq scrub-down. One good thing to have organised though, is everyone’s email addresses and social media details, so you can keep them up to date on your fundraiser and encourage them to share the fundraiser with their friends and family too.

4 - You don’t need to buy anything upfront. You don’t have to guess how much you’ll sell and end up footing the bill for returning unused stock. You don’t even need to handle much of the product at all, if your customers are getting their order sent directly to them. You’ll have to do a bit of sorting when the final order is sent to you, but that's actually quite fun. Especially if you're the one who won the chocolate bar as the biggest fundraiser!

And there is a bonus benefit - the product itself! Our natural bath soaks are good value, especially given the quality of their ingredients. They’re NZ-made and come in soft plastic recyclable pouches. They’re suitable for anyone to use.
Even if you have water restrictions – you can use them as a shower scrub or as a soothing foot soak.
There is a blend for everyone too: sports-mad kids might benefit from SO:Active; more mature athletes might like SO:Soothing; SO:Luxurious is a real treat for busy mums who need a ‘get away from it all in only 15 minutes’ break; and who wouldn’t like some SO:Relaxing or SO:Uplifting?
We’ve included SO Mg magnesium oils in our fundraisers too. If you reach our top tier you’ll earn $7.50 for each mag oil in your order. This can soon add up to help you reach your goal.
If you’d like to find out more head to our fundraising page. If you apply early enough you should be able to choose the slot to suit you.